7th ACAE Conference & 60th AEASA Annual Conference
Durban Durban, South AfricaThe 7th African Conference of Agricultural Economists & 60th Annual AEASA Conference, set to take place in September 2023 in Durban, South Africa, will focus on the theme "Through Crisis: Building Resilient Agri-food Systems in Africa".
Agri4D conference
2023 Agri4D conference “Building resilient food systems in uncertain times” is open to call for abstracts and concept notes. The submission deadline is the 8th of May 2023, and the conference will be held online from the 26th to the 28th of September 2023.
High-Level Dialogue on Inclusive Seed Sector Development for Agricultural Transformation in Africa
The primary aim or purpose of the High-Level Dialogue is to bring together a panel of renowned experts and key stakeholders in the African seed sector to present, discuss and share ideas with the view to create greater awareness and impart informed knowledge and better understanding about inclusive seed sector development leading to an in-depth conference on this theme in 2024.
RUFORUM 19th Annual General Meeting (AGM) To be held in Yaoundé – Cameroon 2023
The 19th RUFORUM AGM has a particular focus on engaging governments and development partners to support Higher Education in Africa and is organised under the theme “Transforming Higher Education to Sustainably Feed and Create Prosperity for Africa”.
African Conference on Agricultural Technologies
The inaugural African Conference on Agricultural Technologies (ACAT) by the Africa Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), will be held from 30th October to 3rd November 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya on the theme Agricultural Resilience through Innovation.
The 6th Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week 2023
Continental Hotel Abuja , NigeriaThe Agricultural Extension Week is an excellent platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration among Extension professionals, practitioners, policymakers, and researchers in the field of agricultural extension and advisory services.
Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit
The Africa Union Commission (AUC) is organizing the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health (AFSH) Summit from 5-7 November 2023 at the Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya.
WAW- Women in Agribusiness Week 2023
The Women in Agribusiness Week is under the theme: “"Sustaining African Agribusiness: Leveraging on Digitalisation, AFCFTA and Climate Resilience for Food Security" and is scheduled for 13th - 18th November 2023. The week-long event will span across three regions namely Greater Accra, Ashanti and Northern.
23rd Annual Workshop of the Horticultural Association of Kenya (HAK)
The HAK annual workshops bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, scholars and farmers, to
deliberate varied topics on sustainable horticultural production in Kenya, and more broadly in Africa and
the tropics.
EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to transform agri-food systems
Thon Hotel EU, Brussels Rue de la Loi 75, Brussels, BelgiumThe event is organised by TP Organics and supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It will take place on 6 December 2023 from 10:00 to 14:00 at Thon Hotel EU, Rue de La Loi 75, Brussels, 1040, Belgium. Throughout the event, the focus will be on R&I investment gaps in EU and global agri-food systems in order to make them more sustainable. As the main highlight, after keynote presentations showcasing relevant projects in the field, the event will include a panel debate with high-level speakers.
The Youth in Agriculture in Africa, a Remedy for Youth Unemployment and Revenue Generation
The event wants to contribute towards raising a generation of agri-entrepreneurs capable of crafting jobs and employment in the value chain.
EOA National Platform Meeting and Seed Fair
Genet Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 2P3X+83P, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaThe UPSCALE project has received an invitation to present insights on Push-pull technology. This event serves as an opportunity for policymakers to gain a comprehensive understanding of both our current and future perspectives on this technology.