Push-pull technology is a novel approach in pest management which uses a repellent intercrop and an attractive trap plant. Insect pests are repelled from the food crop and are simultaneously attracted to a trap crop. A ‘push-pull’ strategy was developed by ICIPE and its collaborators for the control of stemborers and striga weed in resource-poor maize farming systems. This technology controls both stemborers and striga and improves soil fertility.

Harnessing Napier Grass to Protect Maize from Stemborers
Stemborers remain a persistent threat to cereal crops like maize, sorghum, and millet across many regions of Africa. If left unchecked, these pests—particularly the African maize stemborer (Busseola fusca) and the spotted stemborer (Chilo partellus)—can lead to major yield losses…. Continue Reading…

Understanding the Dynamics of Push-Pull Technology Adoption in Western Kenya
In Western Kenya, where agriculture is the backbone of livelihoods, smallholder farmers face ongoing challenges from pests like Fall armyworm and Striga weed, which threaten crop yields and food security. In order to solve these challenges, the UPSCALE project has… Continue Reading…

Innovation and Development in Agricultural and Food Systems
In the evolving agricultural landscape, innovation is essential for enhancing food systems and improving livelihoods, particularly for farmers in Africa. With UPSCALE, the consortium works hard on promoting sustainable agricultural practices and technological advancements, equipping farmers with the tools necessary… Continue Reading…

Push-Pull Curriculum for Farmer Field Schools: Empowering African Farmers
Inspired by the “Push-pull Curriculum for Farmer Field Schools” and published by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), this blog dives into a transformative approach in agriculture that not only addresses current challenges but also uplifts communities… Continue Reading…

Bioactive Volatiles – Natural Allies in the Battle Against Fall Armyworm
Plant volatiles are the secondary metabolites that plants release into the air. Almost one-fifth of the atmospheric CO2 fixed by land plants is released back into the air each day as volatiles. They are protection against biotic and abiotic stresses… Continue Reading…

The Effect of Brachiaria Rows on Stemborer Damage on Sorghum
Sorghum is mostly known as the world’s fifth-most important cereal crop after rice, wheat, maize, and barley. It is one of the main staple foods for many farmers in Africa, in particular the smallholder farmers. It’s a plant-based protein, high… Continue Reading…

An Intensified Cereal Push-Pull System Reduces Pest Infestation and Confers Yield Advantages in High-Value Vegetables
Crop diversification is associated with ecosystem services that can improve yield. We integrated tomatoes and kales within the cereal push-pull technology (PPT), to form the vegetable integrated push-pull (VIPP), and explored the influence of these cropping systems on pest and disease management, and subsequent yield of the vegetables.

Push–Pull Intercropping Increases the Antiherbivore Benzoxazinoid Glycoside Content in Maize Leaf Tissue
Push–pull technology refers to a promising mixed cropping practice for sustainable agricultural intensification, which uses properties of intercrop and border crop species to defend a focal crop against pests.

Innovation and development in agricultural and food systems
Innovation has become an essential issue for our societies. It is ever-present in the discourses of economic and political actors and is the subject of dedicated policies.

Mfumo wa kilimo wa vuta-sukuma waimarisha hali ya maisha
Discover how you can benefit from push-pull through the comic book.

Push-pull Curriculum for Farmer Field Schools
Push-pull is a knowledge-intensive technology that needs a curriculum designed to guide learning at various entry points of the technology for smallholder farmers.

Planting for Prosperity Push–Pull: a model for Africa’s green revolution
The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) is immensely proud of the ‘push–pull’ programme’s achievements.