
Innovation and development in agricultural and food systems

Innovation has become an essential issue for our societies. It is ever-present in the discourses of economic and political actors and is the subject of dedicated policies. New structures such as clusters and platforms are built around it, and it is now incarnate in the figure of the contemporary hero, the creator of the start-up. The issue of innovation has also gained an important place in the scientific world, as shown by the growing number of studies and research activities devoted to it, the creation of learned societies and specialized journals testifying to the legitimization of an academic field on innovation studies (Fagerberg and Verspagen, 2009; Godin, 2014).


Authors: Guy Faure, Yuna Chiffoleau, Frédéric Goulet, Ludovic Temple and Jean-marc Touzard

Contact address: https://www.quae.com/

Institution: Éditions Quae

Twitter name of the institution: @editionsquae

Twitter link: https://x.com/editionsquae


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Innovation and development in agricultural and food systems


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Striga weeds

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1. https://www.ssrc.org/programs/next-generation-social-sciences-in-africa/doctoral-dissertation-proposal-fellowship/?utm_source=RUFORUM+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=98caa5414b-RUFORUM+Weekly+-+Vol.3+No.25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcfbb8a0b-98caa5414b-347231321&ct=t()&goal=0_1fcfbb8a0b-98caa5414b-347231321&mc_cid=98caa5414b&mc_eid=658ac91f07
2. https://ruforum.wordpress.com/2024/12/13/tsl-msc-in-global-plant-health/?utm_source=RUFORUM+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=98caa5414b-RUFORUM+Weekly+-+Vol.3+No.25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcfbb8a0b-98caa5414b-347231321&ct=t()&goal=0_1fcfbb8a0b-98caa5414b-347231321&mc_cid=98caa5414b&mc_eid=658ac91f07
3. https://www.twas.org/opportunity/twas-cnpq-postgraduate-fellowship-programme?utm_source=RUFORUM+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=98caa5414b-RUFORUM+Weekly+-+Vol.3+No.25_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1fcfbb8a0b-98caa5414b-347231321&ct=t()&goal=0_1fcfbb8a0b-98caa5414b-347231321&mc_cid=98caa5414b&mc_eid=658ac91f07

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