Pest/disease controlPush-Pull in practice

Stemborers and striga weeds cause major losses to maize production throughout Africa. Maize yield losses due to stemborers can vary from 20-40%. Striga weeds infest 40% of the arable land in sub-Saharan Africa, causing an annual crop loss of US$... Continue Reading…

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Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…


📚 Check out how to establish a push-pull plot in just 6 steps

🌟Looking to protect crops, combat pests, and enhance soil fertility all at once? PPT offers a sustainable, eco-friendly solution. 🌾

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#agriculture #farmers

🎄In 2025, UPSCALE will advance work through stakeholder engagement, and practical implementation of Push-Pull technology on Field days to reach even more farmers and families!

Let’s keep growing together in our last UPSCALE year! 💚🎉🎆

#UPSCALE #Sustainability #H2020

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