The 2024 edition of the SPAC conference will host its usual lead conferences among many other convenings; it will host the Third Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Conference; the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) conference, the AU-EU Horizon Europe… Continue Reading…

The MINAGRI announced the 17th National Agriculture Show (31st July to 9th August) at Mulindi/Gasabo Showground, Kigali City.

The main objectives of Tropical Summit are thus to promote the transfer of knowledge, stimulate multidisciplinary collaboration and the involvement of stakeholders, and contribute to the co-creation and innovative projects, capitalizing and densifying existing initiatives and collaboration platforms for the rapid implementation of tangible and robust solutions.

The 35th International Africa Festival will take place from 30th May to June 2, 2024, and it is Europe’s largest festival for African music and culture.

African Youth Showcasing Agroecological opportunities in adapting to the climate crisis to address food system challenges in Africa.

With science we can reimagine a sustainable and healthy future for people and the planet. Join Science week in Nairobi, Kenya.

Africa’s Food Systems Forum 2023 Summit’s theme, “Recover, Regenerate, Act: Africa’s Solutions to Food Systems Transformation,” focuses on building back better food systems and food sovereignty with youth and women at the center. The theme identifies three steps needed to achieve this transformation: Recovery, Regenerate, and Act.

Earth ObservationPush-Pull in practice

In the period of September 13th, 2021 to October 5th, 2021 in and around Kamuli district, in the North-East of Central Uganda, UPSCALE team consisting of David Meinhof, Adomas Liepa, Dr Insa Otte conducted first field trials of ecological investigations... Continue Reading…

Featured posts


Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…

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🌟Over the past two days, at the General Assembly the partners engaged in discussions on sustainable farming practices to thought-provoking sessions on the intersection of work packages.

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🌍 Exciting First Day at the #Upscale General Assembly in #Uganda! 🇺🇬

Looking forward to more fruitful discussions, collaborations, and discoveries in the days ahead! 💡

@upscale_h2020 @BayFOR #researchCollaboration

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