The MINAGRI announced the 17th National Agriculture Show (31st July to 9th August) at Mulindi/Gasabo Showground, Kigali City.

The triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE-2024), centred on the theme “Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems” is scheduled from August 2-7, 2024, in New Delhi, India.

The conference will be held from 16th to 19th of September 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique and it will provide solutions in agricultural development in Africa.

NewsPush-Pull in practice

Food demand in the world is increasing and by 2050, the global population will reach nearly 10 billion people which will cause food demand to increase by 56%, according to Global Citizen. Along with this, food producers are facing major… Continue Reading…

Push-Pull in practice

In the competitive landscape of dairy farming, maximizing yields while minimizing costs is the key to success. The Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya created a leaflet for farmers with a strategic approach to cultivating Desmodium and Napier for increased milk… Continue Reading…

The 19th RUFORUM AGM has a particular focus on engaging governments and development partners to support Higher Education in Africa and is organised under the theme “Transforming Higher Education to Sustainably Feed and Create Prosperity for Africa”.

The inaugural African Conference on Agricultural Technologies (ACAT) by the Africa Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), will be held from 30th October to 3rd November 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya on the theme Agricultural Resilience through Innovation.

2023 Agri4D conference “Building resilient food systems in uncertain times” is open to call for abstracts and concept notes. The submission deadline is the 8th of May 2023, and the conference will be held online from the 26th to the 28th of September 2023. 

The 7th African Conference of Agricultural Economists & 60th Annual AEASA Conference, set to take place in September 2023 in Durban, South Africa, will focus on the theme “Through Crisis: Building Resilient Agri-food Systems in Africa”.

Farming practice

As part of the effort to bring push-pull beyond its limitations to the next level, UPSCALE partner, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), conducted a needs assessment involving farmers and key informants involved in agriculture in Kisumu, Siaya... Continue Reading…

Featured posts


Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…


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