
Report on Promotion events and Stakeholder Engagement

Deliverable 8.9 covers activities carried out from project inception to Month 30 of the UPSCALE project in five East Africa target countries. It describes actions taken to design and deploy promotion events and engage stakeholders in the push-pull technology (PPT) innovation ecosystem to facilitate wide-scale uptake of an optimized PPT by African farmers, as well as activities aimed at mainstreaming the technology into country and regional agricultural policy frameworks. Approaches include strategic technology learning sites, farmer field days, “training of trainers” workshops, networking and training of agricultural advisers, mapping and integration of village knowledge centers and input suppliers, roadshows and media broadcasts, and workshops with local and regional stakeholder groups were undertaken. The portfolio of approaches is being leveraged to roll out large-scale awareness raising and dissemination on the benefits and practice of PPT. Methods to track dissemination impacts are implemented at the project level, as well as aims to increase understanding of adoption dynamics and a breakdown of definitions for assessment of technology adoption. Through the integration of PPT awareness-raising and training in mainstream practice networks and policy, UPSCALE targets widespread uptake and benefits for the practice of sustainable intensification by smallholders within and beyond the project’s lifetime.


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Report on Promotion events and Stakeholder Engagement

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