Pest/disease control

Cross-species communication, where signals are sent by one species and perceived by others, is one of the most intriguing types of communication that functionally links different species to form complex ecological networks.

Climate change

Assessing effects of climate change on agricultural systems and the potential for ecological intensification to increase food security in developing countries is essential to guide management, policy-making and future research.

Pest/disease control

Push-pull technology (PPT) employs mixed cropping for sustainable intensification: an intercrop repels or suppresses pests of the focal crop (push), while a trap crop attracts pests out of the field (pull), where they may be targeted for control.


Plant volatiles comprise thousands of molecules from multiple metabolic pathways, distinguished by sufficient vapor pressure to evaporate into the headspace under normal environmental conditions.

Push-Pull in practice

Global food security faces increasing threats from climate change, leading to diseases, pests, drought, water salinity, and rising temperatures.

Push-Pull in practice

Agreprenourship is highly evident in production technologies such as the PPT technology that has been promoted by the UPSCALE project in the region.

Push-Pull in practice

Soil degradation is a major underlying cause of poverty and malnutrition in smallholder agrarian communities across the globe. Legume diversification, through polyculture or intercropping, is a strategy that increases yields and income while improving family nutrition. However, the potential for these legume-cereal intercrops to restore soil functions in smallholder fields remains uncertain, with many studies failing to detect increases in soil organic matter.

Push-Pull in practice

The adoption of sustainable agriculture practices has become critical in the face of rising global difficulties related to achieving food security, combating malnutrition, and mitigating environmental degradation. Within this context, the ‘One Health’ (OH) paradigm emerges as a comprehensive approach encompassing human, plant, animal, and environmental health for planetary well-being. Recognizing the complex interdependencies inherent in global health concerns, this approach emphasizes the importance of integrated and synergistic interventions. This is especially true in agriculture, where an overreliance on synthetic inputs to meet the rising demands of an expanding human population has resulted in serious environmental degradation and devastating loss of biodiversity and their valuable ecosystem services. In response, the development and implementation of agroecological farming systems have gained prominence.

Agricultural production system

Push-pull technology provides farmers in East Africa with an eco-friendly strategy that increases crop yield and household income in smallholder cereal systems by controlling pests and improving soil health. Though promising for a sustainably intensified production, push-pull has been used at a limited scale, primarily in maize and sorghum-based production systems.

Agricultural production systemPush-Pull in practice

PPT originated in East Africa and is being continuously improved through cycles of interdisciplinary and participatory experimentation. Despite well-documented benefits to farmers and the environment, more institutional support from agricultural extension systems (AES) is needed for PPT to realise significant impact on poverty reduction, food security, and sustainability.

Featured posts


Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…

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📚 Check out how to establish a push-pull plot in just 6 steps

🌟Looking to protect crops, combat pests, and enhance soil fertility all at once? PPT offers a sustainable, eco-friendly solution. 🌾

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#agriculture #farmers

🎄In 2025, UPSCALE will advance work through stakeholder engagement, and practical implementation of Push-Pull technology on Field days to reach even more farmers and families!

Let’s keep growing together in our last UPSCALE year! 💚🎉🎆

#UPSCALE #Sustainability #H2020

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