
Maseno University’s UPSCALE project team is focused on enhancing awareness of push-pull technology (PPT) across the region.

Pest/disease controlPush-Pull in practice

We reviewed two systems of small-scale cereal production in the tropics, the Mesoamerican milpa and the East African Push-Pull Technology, and present the advantages likely to be obtained by combining these technologies into a milpa Push-Pull system. In addition to… Continue Reading…

Multiactor communitites of practice

UPSCALE project has developed a transdisciplinary knowledge sharing and capacity building strategy with an aim of breaking the disciplinary barriers among multi-actor communities of practice (MACs) in East Africa.

Multiactor communitites of practice

UPSCALE forms and uses Multi-Actor Communities (MACs) of practice platforms to achieve effective transdisciplinary collaboration and participatory research approaches among UPSCALE partners and stakeholders at national and regional levels.

Climate changePest/disease control

Ili kuboresha ustahimilivu wa teknolojia ya climate-smart push-pull (CSPPT) dhidi ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, majaribio yalihusisha mimea yaliochukuliwa kwa uwezo na faida zao; Brachiaria cv. Xaraes na Desmodium uncinatum zilifaa katika kudhibiti wadudu waharibifu wa mahindi na pia magugu ya striga, katika utafiti wa kulinganisha wa maeneo mengi magharibi mwa Kenya.

Climate changePest/disease control

To improve the resilience of the climate-smart push-pull technology (CSPPT) against climate change, we tested more adapted companion plants; Brachiaria cv. Xaraes and Desmodium uncinatum for their suitability in controlling maize pests and striga weed in a multisite comparison study in western Kenya.

Featured posts


Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…

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🌟Over the past two days, at the General Assembly the partners engaged in discussions on sustainable farming practices to thought-provoking sessions on the intersection of work packages.

Explore photos and explore the website for the latest news🌟


🌍 Exciting First Day at the #Upscale General Assembly in #Uganda! 🇺🇬

Looking forward to more fruitful discussions, collaborations, and discoveries in the days ahead! 💡

@upscale_h2020 @BayFOR #researchCollaboration

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