UPSCALE partner, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), will be presenting a paper at the 5th World congress of Agroforestry: Towards further intensification of push-pull technology with agroforestry by the team Buleti Sylvia, Were Samuell, Gichua Moses and Kuyah Shem.
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📚 Publication time
@lunduniversity released a publication in which they reviewed how changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentration can influence PPT components.💡
#agriculture #pushpulltechnology #UPSCALE #EU #farmers
🌿 How can bioactive volatiles be harnessed to protect crops from the destructive Fall Armyworm, and what does this mean for sustainable agriculture?
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#UPSCALE #EU #H2020 #sustainableagriculture #pestcontrol