The 2024 edition of the SPAC conference will host its usual lead conferences among many other convenings; it will host the Third Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Conference; the Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) conference, the AU-EU Horizon Europe… Continue Reading…

African Youth Showcasing Agroecological opportunities in adapting to the climate crisis to address food system challenges in Africa.

The 2024 global meeting brings together more than 80 farmers’ leaders from around the world, representing millions of smallholders and rural producers who work with IFAD and partner institutions.

Push-Pull in practice

In the competitive landscape of dairy farming, maximizing yields while minimizing costs is the key to success. The Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya created a leaflet for farmers with a strategic approach to cultivating Desmodium and Napier for increased milk… Continue Reading…

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Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…

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📚 Publication time

@lunduniversity released a publication in which they reviewed how changes in temperature, precipitation and atmospheric CO2 concentration can influence PPT components.💡


#agriculture #pushpulltechnology #UPSCALE #EU #farmers

🌿 How can bioactive volatiles be harnessed to protect crops from the destructive Fall Armyworm, and what does this mean for sustainable agriculture?

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#UPSCALE #EU #H2020 #sustainableagriculture #pestcontrol

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