Join us in this critical, self-reflective and dynamic discussion with ecologists from around the world to answer these urgent questions.

Push-Pull in practice

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, farmers are constantly seeking innovative and efficient methods to enhance crop yield and livestock nutrition. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or just starting, understanding the importance of fodder and its conservation in modern farming… Continue Reading…

Featured posts


Striga weeds

Striga or 'witchweeds' are parasitic weeds that affect cereal crops in many parts of Africa, reducing production from 30 to 100%, or complete loss of the crop. If maize plants are attacked by both stemborers and striga weed, the yield... Continue Reading…

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🌟Last call for abstracts for 6th World Congress on Agroforestry🌟

🗓 Submission Deadline: January 15, 2025
🎯Topics: Agroforestry innovations, climate adaptation, biodiversity, sustainable farming, rural development, and more!

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