Agricultural production systemFarming practice

Role of farmer training and personal characteristics on agripreneurship among small scale farmers in Trans-Nzoia east sub-county, Kenya

The agriculture sector around the world has experienced profound changes in recent years. The ability and propensity of farmers to engage in entrepreneurial behaviours is a key explanation of the different patterns of responses within the sector. Lack of business opportunities and insufficient income in rural areas have encouraged developing countries to consider new strategies such as creating job opportunities and enhancing rural livelihood. To meet this challenge, entrepreneurship strategy as a new paradigm has been proposed by many countries. The study aimed to explore determinants of agripreneurship in Trans Nzoia East sub County with a focus on small scale farmers. The objectives of the study were to explore the contribution of farmer training, the role of financial support, the influence of individual farmer characteristics, and the role of market access to agripreneurship among small scale farmers in Trans-Nzoia East Sub-County. The study adopted quantitative and qualitative exploratory research design. The population of this study was determined by getting a list of small scale farmers in the sub County that were registered in e-extension database at the Ministry of Agriculture County records. Simple random sampling method was used to select 65 small scale farmers which were 10% of the target population of 650 farmers in Trans Nzoia East sub-County, obtained from a sampling frame. The study used a questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. Data collected was analysed by chi square at 0.05 confidence level and spearman’s parametric correlation. Further, a computer statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used in entering and analysing the data.


Authors: Martha Wanjiru Ndirangu and Henry Bwisa

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Institution: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT)

Twitter name of the institution: @DiscoverJKUAT

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Role of farmer training and personal characteristics on agripreneurship among small scale farmers in Trans-Nzoia east sub-county, Kenya

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