Agricultural production systemBiodiversity

Nature-based Solutions in agriculture The case and pathway for adoption

In order to sustain the future of food systems – and by extension, human life – agriculture producers around the globe must lead a transition to agricultural practices that regenerate landscapes. The Food and Land Use Coalition’s Growing Better report (2019) laid out the scientific evidence and economic case for 10 critical transformations of our food system – three of which are Nature-based Solutions – that, by 2030, could help bring climate change under control, safeguard biological diversity, ensure healthier diets for all, drastically improve food security and create more inclusive rural economies (FOLU, 2019). The need for wide-spread transformation of agricultural systems is clear, and Nature-based Solutions can play a key role in a sustainable future of food.


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Nature-based Solutions in agriculture: The case and pathway for adoption

By F. Miralles-Wilhelm and T. Iseman, Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and The Nature Conservancy, Virginia, 2021

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