
Farmers’ guide on planting a Push-Pull field using desmodium vines

Stemborers and striga weeds are major problems in maize production. Many farmers want to plant their maize fields under Push-Pull technology to control stemborers and striga weeds. But in many areas desmodium seed can be hard to obtain or some farmers cannot afford to buy the seed.

Push-Pull farmers in Central Kenya have found a simple solution to this problem. Like sweet potatoes, desmodium can also be planted using vines. This can be an easy and cheap method to plant desmodium for many farmers.

This brochure will guide you on planting your push-pull plot using desmodium vines.



Authors: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE); Kenya Agricultural Research Institute; Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya; Ministry of Livestock Development and Fisheries, Kenya and Rothamsted Research, UK

Contact address:

Institution: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE);

Twitter name of the institution: @icipe

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Farmers’ guide on planting a Push-Pull field using desmodium vines

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