
Exploring Barriers to Accessing Evidence and Federal Resources for Equitable Green Infrastructure Implementation with NGOs

The American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Center for Scientific Evidence in Public Issues (AAAS EPI Center) in partnership with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water hosted the first discussion in a two-part virtual series “Exploring Barriers to Accessing Evidence and Federal Resources for Equitable Green Infrastructure Implementation.” The panelists, who represented non-
governmental organizations working on green infrastructure and nature-based solutions, highlighted opportunities, challenges, barriers, and lessons learned from the design and planning to implementation to operations and maintenance of green infrastructure and nature-based solutions.


Authors: Center for Scientific Evidence in Public Issues (AAAS EPI Center)

Contact address: https://www.aaas.org/programs/epi-center

Institution: Center for Scientific Evidence in Public Issues (AAAS EPI Center)

Twitter name of the institution: @AAASEPICenter

Twitter link: https://x.com/AAASEPICenter


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Exploring Barriers to Accessing Evidence and Federal Resources for Equitable Green Infrastructure Implementation with NGOs

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