June 9 - June 13

This ANdinA workshop, the seventh in a series of international debates, aims to debate how ecologists can best align global priorities and local action. We expect to bring together 30 international researchers and practitioners, at least one-third of whom are in the early stages of their careers, to think critically, walk, and reflect in nature, to actively define our roles as socially responsible ecologists. The exact topics for debate will be decided by the attendees. This unique walk-shop will take place in the beautiful landscapes of Logarska Dolina, Slovenia in June 2025.
Potential outputs
- A framework in which ecological research and practice can tackle their different goals together, unifying approaches from data gathering to their respective products, including cross-scale activities (from global priorities to on-the-ground activities);
- Identification of better partitions of labour for creating meaningful and effective collaborations between scientists and practitioners (or between scientists among themselves).
- Assessment and identification of institutional policies (journal-level? government-level?) and individual actions that could support integrating data from different sources and formats into a unified view.
- A pragmatic approach to ecological knowledge production comes from greater interaction with decision-makers and civil society; what are the pathways and challenges for doing this? Would this be effective?
- An exploration of alternative frameworks to data collection, such as decision science, to achieve more effective management outcomes.
Join in this critical, self-reflective and dynamic discussion with ecologists from around the world to answer these urgent questions. We anticipate writing at least one meaningful publication and planning further work together. The price for everything (attendance, accommodation, meals, local transport) is 1500 Euro for established scientists and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for early career researchers. Get in touch with Roger Cousens at rcousens@unimelb.edu.au for any questions and to make your application to attend. *Early career researchers are defined as having completed their PhD within the last 5 years, or with equivalent practical experience.
For more information click here.