Creating an International Research Consortium on Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture
The Long-term Europe-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (LEAP4FNSSA) is pleased to invite you to the workshop preparing an International Research Consortium for Food, Nutrition Security and Sustainable agriculture; a collaborative platform for AU and EU.
The workshop will be held on 13 July 2022, from 10:30 to 16:30 CEST in a hybrid format. The physical meeting will be in Brussels, Belgium.
The 3rd National MAC Meeting in Uganda and socio-ecological validation with stakeholders
Nile Village Hotel, Jinja City Jinja City, UgandaNARO and ULUND are organizing the UPSCALE model validation workshop due to take place on 22nd July 2024 at Nile Village Hotel in Jinja. The team is developing a model on the interaction of factors surrounding the push-pull ecosystem. To... Continue Reading…
FAO – Climate Nutrition Roundtable
FAO HQ Sheikh Zayed CentreClimate change and malnutrition are two of the greatest challenges to sustainable development. Integrated actions that are nutrition-sensitive and climate-smart present an opportunity to accelerate progress towards SDG 2, SDG 13 and the 1.5 °C Paris Agreement Goal simultaneously. Recognizing... Continue Reading…
Gender, One Health, Safeguarding, and Human Right Principles Training Workshop
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology Nairobi, KenyaTraining theme: Let’s Speak Gender: Gender Integration in One Health for Agrifood Systems transformation. Location: International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya Date: 27-28 February 2025 This training aims to enhance participants' understanding of One Health and... Continue Reading…