Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI)
Non-profit Governmental organization
The Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) is established by act no. 10 of 2016 of the parliament as a semi-autonomous body of the Government under the Ministry for Agriculture. The TARI is a nonprofit oriented institute with 17 Centres distributed all over Tanzania country in different agroecologies and each Centre has a mandated commodity/theme. The Institute is a body corporate that is responsible for conducting, regulating and coordinating agricultural research activities in Tanzania. The institute is dynamic, innovative and efficient in contributing to improved food and nutrition security, rural livelihood and economic growth to Tanzanian communities. The institute is committed to Conduct, promote and coordinate basic, applied and strategic agricultural research. Set, in collaboration with key stakeholders, national agricultural research agenda and priorities of the national agricultural research system and coordinate the implementation of such agenda and priorities. Provide, undertake and promote consultancy services in research, training and dissemination of information in agriculture and allied sciences.
P.O. Box 1433, Mwanza, Tanzania.
+255 75 45 74 190
Contact person:
Dr. Ignath Rwiza